Viola Spielvogel

Tax advisor

I have been working at Heisterborg International since 2017 and am a specialized advisor for international tax law and specialized in international tax law and balance sheet tax law. Every day I advise Dutch entrepreneurs in doing various types of tax returns in Germany.

Viola Spielvogel
Viola Spielvogel Viola Spielvogel
To run
Mountain biking

"We are progressive in the field of digitalization. This means that we are always in direct contact with the customer and ensure that processes are not delayed."

Viola's Activities

2020 Training "Fachberater für Internationales Steuerrecht" (Specialist in international tax law)
2013 Diploma Steuerberaterin/Tax Advisor
2008 - 2009 Training Steuerfachwirtin
2002 - 2005 Training Steuerfachangestellte

2017 - present Tax Advisor Heisterborg International & Area Manager Accounting Tax Law
2009 - 2013 Steuerfachangestellte, SME tax office
2009 - 2017 Tax advisor, SME tax office

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