The global fiber optic market is growing enormously. Also in Germany, which has long lagged behind other Western European countries in terms of digital competitiveness, there is increasing demand for a reliable, fast and scalable digital infrastructure. For example, the government has made many subsidies available to reduce the so-called 'Funklöcher', areas where (mobile) internet is substandard or even non-existent. But large clients, such as municipalities and telecom companies, have difficulty finding companies that can carry out the work. This brings opportunities for Dutch fiber optic companies.
Are you also considering becoming active in the German fiber optic market? Then it is important to get advice about the differences with the Dutch market. This not only concerns cultural differences and differences in legislation and regulations (including applying for permits to work in Germany), but also tax points of interest and possible employment law consequences for your Dutch employees.
You can contact us for, among other things:
You can contact us with all your questions about doing business in Germany. From complex legal or tax issues to questions about cultural differences. But it doesn't stop at advice alone, we ensure that you can do business successfully and without worries in Germany. We go further than other offices, because we can also take care of many practical matters for you.
Please feel free to inquire about what we can do for you.